Programmatic SEO


What is programmatic SEO

Programmatic SEO or pSEO is a technique that helps you create bulk pages targeting low competition keywords and rank them in the search engines like Google. It’s an organic marketing strategy that helps you generate tons of highly targeted traffic to your website.

The pSEO technique has been around for at least a decade, but it became popular among SEO professionals only recently.

When to use

The sole purpose of search engines is to make navigation easier by reducing the number of clicks.

If I search can diabetics eat apples on Google, then as a user, I would want to know the answer as quickly as possible — preferably just in a click. And a dedicated page on the topic does help me get the answer quickly.

Imagine, if there weren’t dedicated pages for keywords like can diabetics eat apples, can diabetics eat oranges, can diabetics eat rice, etc. In that case, wouldn’t it be more difficult to access the same information? I mean, if there aren’t dedicated pages for each topic, what are the other possible options?

  • A page where all the food items are listed and explained what diabetics can eat and what they can’t — but I will have to scroll through 100s of items to find what I am looking for, right?
  • Or, a page where there’s a search box where I can search for the food items and learn whether I can eat as a diabetic or not — but I just landed on this search page from another search engine, I need to search again?

While one can manually create pages for can diabetics eat {something}, it’s time-consuming and not scalable. And that’s where programmatic SEO comes into the picture — you can create can diabetics eat {something} pages for 100s or even 1000s of food items in no time.


The 3 main benefits and advantages that programmatic SEO offers are:

  • Highly scalable — pSEO gives you the capability to create 1000s of pages on a topic in almost no time. Zapier has more than 300,000 pages indexed in Google-specific apps’ integrations.
  • Better user experience — It reduces the number of clicks required to access the information. Relevant pages directly appear on the SERP, without having to click more than once.
  • Better search visibility — Strategically generated pages rank for several terms and drive quality traffic to your site. And increased traffic ultimately translates to more leads and more revenue.

Another benefit could be increased conversions, but that will depend on the website structure and types of pages you have created.